Пн-Сб: 10:00-21:00, Вс: 11:00-19:00
8 (812) 244-56-14

Барток.Избранные произведения т.2

Артикул: 979-0-66000-468-5


Производитель: Издательство "Композитор"

Подробное описание

Содержание Allegro barbaro Бурлеска № 1. Соч. 8c Бурлеска № 2. Соч. 8c Багатель № 2 Багатель № 3 Багатель № 5 Багатель № 10Багатель № 14 (Вальс)Being the great composer, tireless collector, and connoisseur of folk songs, В?lа Bart?k tried himself in all possible genres. Не composed operas, ballets, so as symphonic, choral and chamber works.  The greatest attention did Bart?k pay to piano works. They are different in character and form. Bart?k succeeded to work out his own original piano style, distinct for fresh harmonious language, confidence of tone comparisons, frequency of metre changes, harshness of sounding.Contents Allegro barbaroBurlesque No 1. Op. 8С Burlesque No 2. Op. 8СBagatelle No 2Bagatelle No 3Bagatelle No 5 Bagatelle No 10 Bagatelle No 14 (Waltz)


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